I, Mike, would personally like to recognize firstly my wife Michelle, who is one of the fiercest warriors I know! She adds a valuable balance of practical insight and everyday discipleship tools to this guide. She has discipled more women than I can count. My good friend JP has a gift of emotional intelligence like no other and has helped balance my analytical, task-oriented mind by keeping this guide focused on the main goal of finding and experiencing freedom in Christ. Our friend Bryan Harris has helped push us and inspire us to think deeply, think outside the box and look to scripture for answers. Bobby Harrington, along with the elders of Harpeth Christian Church have lent valuable insight into keeping this guide grounded in scripture. Along our journey, we have met many others whom we have walked side by side with who are also passionate about setting the captives free. I would like to thank our good friend Audrey for acting as our editor and spending countless hours combing through this guide. I’d like to thank our friend Lindsey who helped give us valuable insight in the section on deception. Thank you to Sarah P. for the post session scriptures. Finally, I’d like to thank many of our brothers and sisters in Christ who have been humble and brave enough to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus and walk through this process to experience their own personal freedom. This guide reflects hundreds of personal experiences and victories in the battle for freedom.

I would like to thank those that have gone before us who have battled the powers of darkness and taught us much. These champions are people such as Neil Anderson, Sam Storms, Karl Payne, Marcus Warner, J.P. Moreland, Charles Kraft, Francis McNutt, Ken Fish, Jake Kail, Derrick Prince, Roger Miller, Shodankeh Johnson and others. Our inspiration is a combination of the best of their combined works.

This comprehensive guide is based on God’s Word. We have tried to exclude the experiential, in favor of the scriptural to avoid confusion in the minds of skeptical believers to maintain the unity of faith. There will be parts of this guide that have embedded biblical principles which can be defended directly on God’s Word. There may be spiritual names or descriptions which also come from combined experience.